The Muse of Edouard Manet

Living near Chicago is something that I rarely appreciate as the gift it is in my life.  One of my favorite high school field trips was for my senior year Humanities class in which we took an architectural walking tour of the city and ended up at one of my favorite museums, The Art Institute of Chicago.  With the iconic lions gracing the stairs on either side of the entrance, the outside of the building is gorgeous but displays only a tiny fraction of the priceless beauty inside.

 It's a place I could lose myself in for hours on end, and though I haven't been there in several years (a fact I hope to remedy this summer) I recently encountered a book that transported me there and reminded me how much I love the place and the stunning works contained inside.  The Muse of Edouard Manet is the second that I have read, but the first written, by my college friend Michael Clifford.

A conservationist at The Art Institute of Chicago, Emily Porterfield has always been attracted to the works of pre-Impressionist painter Eduoard Manet. When a Manet exhibit is scheduled to display at the Art Institute, Emily x-ray's one of the paintings and discovers a hidden letter written in lead white paint beneath the artist's scene. The discovery could change her career, but her life is even more drastically altered when, upon falling asleep after reading the letter, she is mystically transported to Paris in the 1870's and meets the artist himself.

Swept up in the amazing impossibility of time travel while dreaming, Emily finds herself getting to know, and falling in love with, the man whose work she would adore a hundred fifty years in the future. However, in the present, she faces the discovery of three "new" Manet paintings, seemingly lost during World War II. Whether the paintings are real or forged is a secret that someone might just be willing to kill to keep.

M. Clifford's work is a stunning blend of genres - science fiction and history, romance and mystery. The details of Edouard Manet's life and work are as intricate and precise as the expertly researched descriptions of modern day art authentication and preservation. Sweetly romantic, action-driven, and emotional, with a mix of information, humor and suspense, The Muse of Edouard Manet is a literary work of art!

The book tells a succinct story with a satisfying conclusion, but with writing this vivid and characters so enjoyable, readers will be eager for the soon to be released second and third books in The Time Chronicles of Emily Porterfield!

Along with being a really enjoyable read, this book reminded me how much I love artwork.  I actually took an Art History class in college and one of my fondest memories was actually being given the assignment to spend time in the art museum.  One of my favorite works was actually not a painting but a sculpture.  It's a somewhat creepy and disturbing work - image at left - called "The Blind" by Lorado Taft. (..but that's a rather long story.)  Do you consider yourself an art fan?  Do you have a favorite painting?  Van Gogh's Starry NightThe Scream by Munch?  Seurat's Sunday Afternoon?  I'd love to hear comments about what inspires or awes you!

And watch for my two-part interview with M. Clifford, coming this week!

4 Response to "The Muse of Edouard Manet"

  1. Anonymous Says:
    June 28, 2010 at 3:40 PM

    What a wonderful plot! I am so taken with the idea of meeting your favourite painter! I've just been listening to 'The Rapture' by Liz Jensen and I really like the way she mixed differente genres. This sounds like a book I'd really enjoy. And you're so lucky to know the author. Can't wait for that interview.

    I studied 'Art' in college, and I deeply regret not carrying on with it. My fav painter is Van Gogh. I could lose myself in his paintings. There is something earthy and real about what he was trying to convey. During my studies I came across a fascinating collection of his letters with his brother Theo. The best painting by him has to be 'Cafe Terrace'. I feel like I could walk into that painting and never turn back.

  2. lisa :) says:
    June 28, 2010 at 4:07 PM

    Thanks for sharing! I didn't know Cafe Terrace by name, but I just looked it up and it is wonderful. You said that so perfectly: "I feel like I could walk into that painting and never turn back." The letters sound really neat too. Do you know of any good biographies or historical fiction books about Van Gogh? I only know a little of his life story but I imagine it would be pretty intriguing!

  3. CJ via Facebook Says:
    June 28, 2010 at 9:34 PM

    Really? Actually?
    Great review, another one to add to my list.

  4. lisa :) says:
    July 6, 2010 at 1:35 PM

    I thought it might be worth mentioning also, for anyone looking to read/purchase The Muse of Edouard Manet, there's a discount code mentioned here:

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